Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Bad Jobs 4

 Wanted: A freelancer to set up a YouTube channel for me, create all the content, and make me money.

Here's the thing, if I am going to do all the work--I want all the money. When I ghostwrite books for people, they come to me with ideas. I take those ideas and turn them into marketable products, but I certainly don't do the marketing. If they don't take that step, they probably won't earn much. But if I am starting a YouTube channel to become the next influencer, and you want me to not only make the content, but come up with the ideas and market the channel--forget it. You don't get money for doing nothing.

Now, in theory, you could cheaply pay someone, who maybe isn't a good story writer but who has an imagination--to come up with a series of story prompts for you. Then you could pay a good writer to write each story and a good editor to edit them. Then you could pay someone to develop a marketing plan and market the book(s) for you. If it is done well, it would take a large investment up front, but you could still make money off of it. The difference is that you are putting in a large amount of money and hoping for a good return. You are taking on the risk. If a freelancer has the skills to do all of that, though, even a huge amount of money will probably not convince them to do it all for you--because presumably their work is making you more money than what you are paying them.

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