As writers and authors, it is our duty to do extensive research and read information with a critical eye, to be able to show proof of our written conclusions, and to not simply take someone else's word for it. That is no longer happening in most writing circles and it is wrong.
Tonight, I was denied entrance to an AMC theater because I have breathing problems and cannot wear a mask. AMC is not the only company that has instituted mask mandates that go against CDC recommendations by requiring everyone- including those with breathing problems--to wear a mask. This is in clear violation of the ADA which requires disabled people to get equal access to all services.
There were maybe 20 people in the entire theater seeing all the movies. My husband was wearing the required mask. We could have easily been sat 6' or 12' or 20' away from any other patron if there was concern, but instead we were told to get out. Apparently, AMC theaters wants to put their disabled patrons lives at risk in the name of "public safety." They also seem to believe they know better than the CDC as to who should and should not wear masks.
This is why I compare what is happening today to Hitler's regime. There is no sympathy for disabled people--we are marked by not wearing masks and we are shunned and harassed at every stop. I get glares that I try to smile back at. I get nothing but hatred--and I have done nothing wrong but to have had the poor genes to give me a weak heart and breathing problems that are compounded by that.
If I were a lesbian and denied entrance to an AMC theater--there would be a lawsuit. No one would visit AMC theaters in protest for what was done to me.
If I my skin were darker and I had African or Mexican heritage and I was denied entrance to an AMC theater--there would be a lawsuit. No one would visit AMC theaters in protest for what was done to me.
But I am disabled. There is no one to boycott AMC--because I should just be locked in my house and allowed to die since I am detestable for daring to put someone's life at risk. Nevermind that doctors only wore cloth masks from 1890-1930 because they were shown to be so ineffective. Nevermind that I have already had COVID-19 and cannot catch it or spread it to anyone else. The public hates me because I am disabled.
Authors--your writing is powerful. Last year, the rights of the disabled would have been championed. But in the midst of all the lies that keep changing, the disabled have become a thing to loathe.
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