Saturday, February 13, 2016

Goodreads Book Reviews Post 1

Goodreads is a great way for authors to connect with others. I have talked about some of the review groups that allow authors to exchange reviews. Here are a few of the books I read for the Review group:

(swearing, sex, some violence)
I received this book free from the author for an honest review.
In Strange Worlds by Brenda Cheers begins on page one with tension as the main character wakes in a Melbourne, Australia, hospital. The plotline is solid as the story unfolds we see the main character taking charge of her fate and learning to survive on her own. Plot twists keep the reader turning pages to unravel the mystery surrounding the new world the character has entered.
There were a few things I didn’t like. I thought the author had only done precursory research on some of her topics. However, I suppose it would be easy to brush these off as part of the plot twists, but I don’t like that excuse. I didn’t feel the things that were inconsistent were purposefully placed, but accidental. I also didn’t like the pacing of some of the story. However, this did fit in with the plot twists, so I can accept it.


I received this book free from the author for an honest review.
Maisy and the Missing Mice: The Maisy Files Book 1 byElizabeth Woodrum is written in a style similar to the Encyclopedia Brown mystery series with a female protagonist. The plot is fascinating and unique. The author knows her audience and has delivered writing that is spot on for the upper elementary age group. It does not contain inappropriate material, either.
I only had a few problems with the book. There are some descriptions that are repeated. I enjoyed that Elizabeth Woodrum was trying to imitate that Maltese Falcon era style (cue the background solo saxophone), but she doesn’t quite have it nailed with this first book. It will be interesting to read book 2 and see how she has continued to develop this.
Also, once we are introduced to the black and white world, I would have liked all colors to have faded. Instead, Woodrum sometimes wavers between color and grayscale (along the lines of : “her hair was not really the dark gray Maisy was seeing. It was actually a dark, coppery-red mass…”). At other times, she does a great job of keeping it without color: “She peeled the grey shaded peel from the banana…”. This is just something minor, though, in the overall scheme of things.
All-in-all, I am planning on passing this book on for my daugthers to enjoy. I know my oldest will be re-reading it again and again. Any child who loves mysteries will like this. 

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